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How To Light Pellets For Pizza Oven: Ultimate Beginner’s Guide

how to light pellets for pizza oven

The video guide: How To Light Pellets For Pizza Oven

In this video tutorial on ‘How To Light Pellets For Pizza Oven’ using wood pellets, we demonstrate how to quickly reach a temperature of over 450°C in less than 20 minutes with your Ooni Fyra pizza oven.

Step by Step Guide: How To Light Pellets For Pizza Oven

What you require

  • Wood pellets for pizza ovens (buy ours here).
  • One organic fire starter.
  • Using a lighter or matches.
  • An electronic thermometer.
  • Gloves that can withstand heat.

Prepare your Ooni Fyra now

Before you begin, it is imperative that the door be shut, the chimney be open, and the chimney cap be removed.

Create the fire

A natural firelighter should be placed on top of a generous scoop of wood pellets in the fuel tray at the back of your pizza oven.

In order to ensure proper airflow from the back of the oven, don’t overfill the fuel tray.

Get it going

The fuel tray should be slid into the back of your Ooni Fyra after lighting the natural firelighter.

Up the ante

Once the fire has been burning for about 3 minutes, check to see if the wood pellets have caught fire.

Return in a further two to three minutes and pour a small scoop of wood pellets into the hopper.

A little bit at a time, add wood fuel

Every three minutes or so, add a small amount of wood pellets. You can prevent the pellet hopper from filling up or the airflow from being obstructed into the fuel tray by adding wood to your pizza oven little and often.

Check the stone’s temperature

The Ooni Fyra should reach cooking temperature in 15 to 20 minutes, depending on the outside temperature and wind conditions.

Check the stone’s temperature using a digital thermometer. Neapolitan pizza must be cooked at a temperature between 400°C and 450°C.


Once it reaches the desired temperature, you’re ready to go. Add a small scoop of wood pellets to ensure that when you open your dough and build your pizza, you return to a rolling flame. Enjoy!

10 best advice for lighting the Ooni Fyra 12 pizza oven

oony fyra 12 Pellets

Here are my top 10 suggestions for How To Light Pellets For Pizza Oven

  1. Make sure the hopper and grate are clear of ash and debris so that air can flow around the burner.
  2. You may need to test out a few different brands of good quality pellets because they don’t have to be expensive. The best pellets will be those that don’t smoke and produce a lot of heat. Pellets should always be kept in a very dry environment.
  3. There are several ways to light the pellets; I prefer to use a butane gas burner torch because it is quick and simple to operate.
  4. Re-light: Simply take the pellet burner out of the oven, re-light it, and put it back in the oven if you need to re-light the pellets. For this, gloves may be necessary.
  5. When the pellets have just been lit, you might need to pull the flame to make it stronger by opening the hopper and/or the pizza door.
  6. For the next minute, keep an eye on the flame; the pellets ought to produce a good flame. Add one scoop of pellets to the hopper after this has happened.
  7. 3 minutes later, top the hopper off with pellets and continue topping it off while making your pizza.
  8. Your oven will reach the proper temperature to cook your pizza in about 15 minutes.
  9. If the stone becomes too hot, i. e. Use a cast-iron pan to quickly reduce the heat off the stone when the internal temperature is over 430°C. Approximately 100 C is removed from the stone’s temperature as a result in just 60 seconds.
  10. Check the grate for ash blockages if you are cooking a lot of pizza. To maintain a steady and powerful flame, air circulation is essential.


In conclusion, precision and attention to detail are needed to cook a pizza in the Ooni wood pellet oven to perfection. A successful cooking process can be achieved by carefully choosing the ideal wood pellets and setting up the oven accordingly.

Although lighting the pellets and keeping the fire going may seem like technical tasks, with practice they become second nature. To consistently achieve a delicious result, keep in mind to follow these instructions carefully.

You’ll be able to make delectable pizzas that will satisfy even the pickiest eaters with practice and skill.


How to verify that the pellets are burning correctly

The pellets inside the chamber will glow a bright red color once the wood pellets have started to burn. Read on for more advice if your pellets aren’t burning.

Tips For Storing The Pellets

Once the bag has been opened, seal it again with tape or clips. Keep the bag somewhere dry. The pellets lose their effectiveness as a heating source when they are exposed to moisture.

We advise you to store your pellets inside or under a waterproof cover because small holes in the bag mean that moisture can still seep through the packaging.

When to begin incorporating more pellets

Before adding more fuel to the chamber, give the pellets time to fully ignite. Don’t overload your appliance by adding too much at once; doing so could put out the flames.

How to Proceed If the Pellets Will Not Light

If the pellets are damp or if there is insufficient airflow through the oven, they won’t ignite properly. By adjusting the oven’s position in relation to the wind, you can force air through the vent and aid in the flame’s even distribution across the pellets.

Maximum airflow will also be ensured by leaving the hopper lid slightly open. Airflow from the back vent may be reduced if your appliance is overloaded.

How To Stop Base From Being Overcooked or Undercooked

Being minimal is important when it comes to pizza. To dry out the moisture without burning the pizza, cook watery sauce pizzas, thicker bases, or pizzas with more toppings at a slightly lower temperature for a little longer.

If you have an infrared thermometer, use it to double-check your oven’s temperature to make sure the pizza oven and pizza stone are hot enough.

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