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How to Keep Pizza Warm in the Oven: The Ultimate Guide

how to keep pizza warm in oven


When feeding a crowd, pizza is almost always a wise choice, and if you’re wondering how to keep pizza warm in the oven while your guests enjoy it, we’ve got you covered!

Everyone enjoys eating hot pizza slices, whether it’s for an indoor movie night or a house party. However, keeping pizzas warm in the oven can be challenging because one mistake could result in your guests eating cold pizza.

We’ll cover a variety of methods in this blog post for keeping your pizza slices warm for hours on end.

Top Techniques for Keeping Pizza Warm in the Oven

Implement a pizza stone

Using a pizza stone in the oven will help keep your pizzas warm. Due to their porous nature, which aids in evenly distributing and retaining heat, pizza stones have heat-saving qualities. Therefore, the crusts will be crispy on the outside and melty on the inside.

Preheating a pizza stone in a hot oven—roughly 75–90°C or 170-200°F or almost smoking hot—will allow you to use it to keep your pizzas warm.

A bonus tip is to use a long-handled spatula or peeler to move each slice off and on, just to make things easier.Once you’ve got that going, place each pizza directly onto the hottest area of the stone, and this will ensure an even bake as well as help create lovely bubbly edges.

The quality of the dough you use for making your own homemade pizzas can also influence how quickly they cool down after you remove them from the oven

Therefore, make sure that the dough you use has a good amount of fat incorporated into it. This could be olive oil or something similar because it will improve insulation, keeping pizzas warmer for longer.

Finally, when choosing toppings, stay away from fillings like plums, figs, bananas, etc. because they don’t reheat as well as other more common toppings like cheese and pepperoni slices and won’t stay warm as long.

Utilize a cardboard box

pizza box

One of the best methods for preserving the ideal temperature is to use a cardboard box. Pizza can be transported and stored for a low cost using cardboard boxes.

By using this technique, you can extend the time that your pizza will stay hot by reducing the amount of heat loss from your oven. Make sure to choose a cardboard box that is big enough to hold all of the pizza’s pieces while still allowing for adequate airflow around it.

After selecting and sealing a cardboard box of the right size, place it on the middle rack of a preheated oven set to no more than 75°C or 170°F. Keep the pizza warm at about 60°C or 140°F, but some varieties may require lower temperatures or additional reheating times, especially when using frozen pies or thicker crust varieties.

For best results, immediately before placing it in the preheated oven, cut a slit or only one corner. Close the used door almost completely after placing inside, leaving only a small opening (less than 0 point 5 inches).

Employ aluminum foil

For warming up pizzas in the oven, aluminum foil is a fantastic tool. You can individually wrap pizza slices to help retain heat both inside and out and avoid the quick temperature drop that would occur if you left them uncovered.

Pre-heat your oven to 205°C or 400°F for 10 minutes before using aluminum foil as a heat-retention technique. Then, take individual pizza slices and wrap them in two layers of aluminum foil; this will act as additional insulation to keep the food hot for at least three hours.

In order to prevent the slices from sticking together while cooking, place them on either a middle rack or baking sheet, making sure they are not touching other items.

Utilizing the Middle Tier for Pizza Warmth in the Oven

Placing your pizza on the middle rack is one of the best ways to keep it toasty and crispy in the oven. Even heat distribution from the middle rack ensures that the entire pizza is cooked through and keeps its heat longer.

It is important to adjust both cooking time and temperature according to different types of pizzas when preheating the oven at 175°C or 350°F before placing a pizza onto a baking sheet or stone on its middle rack.

Pizzas with thicker crusts, for instance, might need to cook at a slightly lower temperature or for a shorter period of time than pizzas with thinner crusts, which would need to cook at a higher temperature and for a longer period of time.

In addition, using this technique prevents overcooking by keeping an eye on how quickly the bottom of your pizza is browned.

Make Use Of A Skillet

hot pizza

One of the most effective techniques is to use a skillet to keep pizza warm in the oven. When compared to other strategies, such as using aluminum foil or insulated bags, a cast iron skillet or cordierite stone can both guarantee that your pizza stays hot for a lot longer.

The material ensures that heat is better retained and that it cannot easily escape from the top or bottom. To ensure that the skillet you’re using to reheat your pizza is at the perfect temperature when you add the pizza, preheat it in the oven first.

Turn down the heat to prevent burning after placing your pizza slice on the top of the heated pan, then wait two to three minutes before removing it and serving. Since extreme temperatures would otherwise dry out its moisture, doing this will help ensure that your slice maintains its original texture.

Pizza bags with insulation should be used

You can preserve the warmth of your pizza for up to three hours by using insulated pizza bags. These delivery bags, made of foam and insulating material, tightly wrap around the container or box holding the pizza to trap heat and maintain a safe serving temperature.

They are therefore ideal for those who want to deliver hot pizza to their destination. You can place pizza boxes inside an insulated bag, which helps retain heat during transportation, even for oven-baked pizzas that have cooled before being placed in the bag.

Use the microwave

A microwave can quickly and effectively reheat leftover slices of pizza in a matter of seconds, despite the fact that it may not be the best method for keeping food warm. Use lower power settings to prevent the pizza from being overcooked and to prevent the crust from becoming excessively tough or chewy.

Additionally, stay away from using microwaves with high radiation levels as these can lead to uneven heating and possibly dry out any sauce that is still on the slice. If you are unsure about your new setting, don’t forget to consult your user manual.

To reheat pizzas in the microwave, cover the tops with aluminum foil to retain moisture during heating.

Mistakes That Will Quickly Make Your Pizza Cold

Many people make the error of setting the temperature of their oven too high when reheating their pizza. You can reheat pizza in many ovens by using the standard setting of a temperature range between 230°C to 290°C.

Between 175-205°C is the ideal range for heating pizza because it keeps the cheese from burning or caramelizing while maintaining its taste and warmth.

In addition, packing too many pizzas into your preheated oven can be harmful. Proper air circulation is necessary to distribute temperatures throughout an oven, so if there are too many pizzas inside, they won’t all heat through properly, and you’ll end up with cold slices.

When attempting to keep pizza warm, you should also consider pizza wrapping techniques; using too much foil on a slice produces steam, which can result in a soggy crust and cause your once-delicious meal to quickly become cold.

Use only the amount of foil required, turn the temperature down to a safe level (around 150°C), and be careful not to overcrowd your preheated oven. These steps will help you keep your pizza warm safely.


In conclusion, keeping your pizza warm in the oven is a simple yet essential skill that can elevate your pizza-eating experience to a whole new level. By following the tips and tricks outlined in this guide, you can ensure that your pizza remains fresh, flavorful, and piping hot, even if you can’t devour it right away.

Utilizing aluminum foil or an insulated bag is the best way to keep pizza warm in the oven. Preheat the oven to the lowest setting, wrap each slice of pizza in aluminum foil individually, place them on the middle rack, and cover them with a heavy blanket or towel to maximize the warmth of your pizza for up to 3 hours.

When heated between 60 and 65 °C in a preheated oven and set aside after approximately 30 minutes of heating all of the slices inside, using a cardboard box will also work if you don’t have enough room in your oven or want longer-lasting results.

If you want to heat pizza quickly and keep it crispy, pizza stones and skillets are both great options. Keep in mind that if you leave either one for too long, they will quickly dry out.


Can I reheat pizza using a microwave?

Microwaving pizza is quick but not recommended for the best results. It can make the crust rubbery and the toppings unevenly heated. Stick to the oven for a better pizza-reheating experience.

What’s the best temperature to keep pizza warm in the oven?

Set your oven to a low temperature, around 200°F (93°C), to keep your pizza warm without burning it.

How long can I keep pizza warm in the oven?

You can keep your pizza warm in the oven for up to 1-2 hours, depending on the method you use and the size of the pizza.

Can I use a regular casserole dish to keep pizza warm?

Yes, if you have an oven-safe casserole dish with a lid, it can work great for keeping pizza warm.

Can You Put a Pizza Box in the Oven?

Yes, as previously stated. Simply turn your oven to the lowest setting—typically 170 degrees Fahrenheit—and put the box inside. Inside the pizza box, the low heat creates an environment resembling an oven.

As we advise, keep the temperature low, and if the pizza has been heating up in the oven for a while, turn off the oven and let it sit to remain warm. Additionally, the cardboard will not catch on fire unless the oven is set to over 400 degrees.

Anything below 300 degrees Fahrenheit, if you’re still wondering what temperature is safe for keeping pizza warm.

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